Mon. Sept. 5
Labor Day Holiday - no class, campus closed
Wed. Sept. 7
lecture: More about Photoshop selection tools and general interface
week 3
Mon. Sept. 12
lecture and in-class assignment/challenge: Photoshop pt. 3
Wed. Sept. 14
in-class challenge: UCLA Extension cover
Please bring your photos and ideas for Project 1 (if time permits I will take a look
and listen to your ideas for the project).
Mon. Sept. 19
UCLA Extension cover, pt. 2, finishing up, handing in finished project in the Dropbox (ArtShares)
reviewing your images for Proj. 1
Wed. Sept. 21
Finishing text on UCLA Extension cover
lecture: Transforming--distorting, layer masks, clone stamp, burn tool, colorizing,
blending one object into another. Using the burn tool or paintbrush
Work in class session: please bring your work to class
Mon. Sept. 26
Work in class session: please bring your work to class
Mon. Oct. 3
finishing critique
lecture: Photoshop brushes
in-class project: Goth Girl
Wed. Oct. 5TBA
Mon. Oct. 10
Typography, Sagmeister inspiration
past student work, Best Album Cover Design
In-class challenge:Album cover warm-up exercise & t aking photos--design challenge by 11:50am.
Wed. Oct. 12
Checking in with you-Album Cover Design project
week 8
Mon. Oct. 17
lecture: more in depth on Layer Styles + Phothshop Filters
reminder: bring Album project files to class until it is due
Wed. Oct. 19
Filters continued. Displacement map-- fun demo.
Work in class on project.
week 9
Mon. Oct. 24
intro to Text in Illustrator, text on a path, area type, touch type tool,
Adobe Color CC
Checking your progress on Album Covers assignment
Wed. Oct. 26
Backskull in-class assignment, Name file: lastname_proj4.psd
week 10
Mon. Oct. 31
Work in class session (Album project), attendance mandatory
Wed. Nov. 2
Project 3 critique
week 11
Mon. Nov. 7
Critique cont'd Intro to Illustrator
Wed. Nov. 9
Adobe Illustrator: Exploring Pathfinder:Recreating Famous logos
Homework: Create the Los Angeles Rams logo in Illustrator using layers, bring to class Monday
- Object > Path > Outline Stroke (to convert a stroked to a vector object)
- Object > Transform > Reflect
- Object > Arrange
- cheese
- starfish (Effects>Stylize>Round Corners)
- using the tilde key - step & repeat
- Pittsburg Steelers logo (pucker & bloat)
week 12
Mon. Nov. 14
Adobe Illustrator: Exploring Pathfinder:Recreating Famous logos
Wed. Nov. 16
BP logo tips/how-to
Illustrator symbols
Fruit poster series - see if you can replicate
checking your LA Rams logo
2 more students-critique (end of class)
Assignment pick a design style from this poster and research what it is be prepared to talk about
it in class. Please send me a paragraph describing the details of your chosen style.
Graphic Design Styles (poster) with choices, click here.
week 13
Mon. Nov. 21
lecture: Scott Hansen in-class project (this project will be handed in)
Taking a look at Scott Hansen's website
Tutorial can be found here: Scott Hansen tutorial (girl with glasses)
Starter file and images can be found in the Instructor's server
Final image is 8 x 14" at 150dpi
Wed. Nov. 23
no class. Work on finishing Scott Hansen in-class project
week 14
Mon. Nov. 28
Scott Hansen Project continued (at beginning of class)
due in Dropbox
Contemplating what typography really is: Helvetica movie
Wed. Nov. 30
week 15
Mon. Dec. 5
work in class session-bring project to class: ATTENDANCE MANDATORY
Wed. Dec. 7
work in class session-bring project to class: ATTENDANCE MANDATORY
Finals week
Final critique: Wednesday Dec. 14, 2016, 8:00-10:00 AM
* schedule subject to change